G O Ministries Inc State Funded Rehab

G O Ministries Inc State Funded Rehab

GO Ministries sends teams from all across the US to the Dominican Republic and Haiti for mission adventures. GO sends groups to lead worship, teach, preach, participate in drama, Vacation Bible School, medical and dental clinics, sporting events and camps, and to build churches, homes, schools and nutrition centers. We earn the respect of the different communities to share the hope of Christ while leaving a physical sign of Gods love.

This organization provides space built for quality healthcare allowing for general medical services that will track patient history, an in-house pharmacy, laser eye surgery and preventative dentistry to patients who could not otherwise afford it. Since it will have apartment and dormitory space, mobile medical clinics will be offered weekly as will life enhancing surgeries from regularly scheduled visiting surgeries.
This dental assistance location provided is subject to change. We work to maintain an accurate list, but we urge you to call the location directly for further information as may have changed since this posting was created.

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